Ishshah Clothing

The vision for Ishshah Clothing came to me while I was studying for my Masters Degree in Business Administration. I did a study of Titus 2:3-5 that opened my eyes to Biblical Womanhood and stirred the desire to build community and make products for women following Christ.

I recently relaunched Ishshah Clothing May 2024 since becoming a wife and mom. After years of learning the backend of the business I'm now officially designing, pressing, and shipping our products myself! Check out this video of me making an order...

It is such a joy to have this business as I continue taking care of my son and enjoying the fellowship of this community.

I design every product, write every blog post, and send every newsletter to remind you of your unique calling as a daughter of the Most High God.

Stay intentional about building your womanhood on God's love and His Word.

Thank you for joining us!