Kindness Wins Without a Word

Kindness Wins Without a Word

Kindness Wins Without a Word

"And now let me speak to the wives. Be devoted to your own husbands,  so that even if some of them do not obey the Word of God, your kind conduct may win them over without you saying a thing. For when they observe your pure, godly life before God, it will impact them deeply." (1 Peter 3:1-2)
Powerful! The instructions in this verse capture the very distinctions between womanhood our way and Womanhood God's Way. Look at the difference that the Word says kindness makes.
In reality I can speak from personal experience and say being kind to a husband who is disobeying God, is not my first response. A husband who is not obeying God likely means he is not treating people well because obedience to God is loving people and disobedience in some way or another hurts people. Kindness is not the way the sinful nature is inclined to protect ourselves. On the contrary there is control, there is fighting, there is being afraid and even fleeing, but the Word of God teaches us differently. 
Not only does this passage call us to kindness BUT verse six says " what is right without fear and intimidation." It's such a powerful posture. It is a freeing posture. As with everything the Scripture commands a woman to do, the ultimate aim of the instruction is to call us to imitate Christ and allow our relationship with our Heavenly Father to flow into our marriage relationship. We never need to do things in our own strength. Holy Spirit is our Helper. God is our strength.
We do need to carry our cross daily though. The wonderful thing about carrying our cross is that we crucify our sinful nature so that we can walk in our new nature which leads to life and peace.
These verses outline the path to victory and give you clear, concrete guidance navigate the challenges of marriage and find safety in the refuge of God.
All of God's commandments lead to abundant life. He always calls us out of fear, doubt, and worry. He leads us to quiet waters and restores our soul. Find your posture as a wife who follows Christ by leaning into the instructions of the LORD and allowing your Heavenly Father to do the rest.
You are dearly loved by the One who holds everything in His hands.
Follow where He leads.
Be Kind.
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